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Save Our Schools 4 Our Kids wants YOU to Turn Your Knowledge into Action on Labor Day!


While families across the United States are celebrating Labor Day with cookouts, parades, family time and fun, we invite you to turn "YOUR KNOWLEDGE INTO ACTION!"

Many of you are working in jobs that don't really fit what you love to do. Your knowledge and what you really know doesn't fit your day-to-day work. If you are a youth entering into the workforce for the first time, you may certainly be working in a job that is not fulfilling. Starting a habit of taking dead end jobs that lead you to mediocre fulfillment.

Save Our Schools for Our Kids Foundation wants to help you get into a career pathway program that will give you the knowledge, learning tools, professional leadership and communications development and active learning to enhance your opportunities to help prepare you to have better career choices.

Inbox us today about United Urban Moguls Universal and learn more about your future.


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